Every socialist government program, of which the proposed socialized medical reform bill is just the latest, is run as a Ponzi scheme, relying on the increase in population and higher and higher taxes of succeeding generations to pay for them. It is irrelevant if Obama thinks he has found a way to pay for the INITIAlL costs of this program through cuts and efficiencies. Even if that were true, and there is no historical evidence to give us one iota of hope to believe politicians are capable of this, this program will, like every other program before it, eventually run out of control in costs and necessarily must increase the cost burden to pay for the lofty, fantastic ideals it proposes. The bill's free for all goals are simply not economically sound - not until the day doctors,nurses and technicians start working for free, hospitals can be built and maintainted for free, labs operate at no cost, etc. Ultimately, the only way to sustain these socialist programs going forward will be for the US to start rationing the population, through China like laws that forbid children or limit their numbers. The only way to bring a free food line to a close, is to close the line and deny further entrants. But our government has no plan to close the line, instead they are going to start charge higher and higher entrant fees - i.e. raise taxes further. When is the last time the government was able to reduce taxes because their programs were going to cost less to run in the following years? Uh, never has happened, never will!
Nothing is free, and nothing that is not free is - or can be - a right, including health care. It is a contradiction in reason to decree something as a right, that requires the enslavement - and therefore denial of rights - to another to provide. Health care must be provided by the brilliant minds of those who search for cures for disease and develop medicines, and they owe us nothing, on the contrary, we owe them everything! Health care is not one big ocean that we simply have to figure out how to split up among ourselves, its not a pie we need to cut at the dinner table. Those who believe anything to the contrary simply need to "Snap out of It" and go to the doctor for an economic reality check-up! Look at what the government has done with Medicare and Medicaid, which are bankrupt, and ask yourself, do we need more or LESS government involvement in our current system?
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